Jonathan K

4x4 - Micro Multibin Shell

Remix Model
Image 5 of 6
4x4 - Micro Multibin Shell 3d model
Image 5 of 6
4x4 - Micro Multibin Shell 3d model
4x4 - Micro Multibin Shell 3d model
4x4 - Micro Multibin Shell 3d model
4x4 - Micro Multibin Shell 3d model
4x4 - Micro Multibin Shell 3d model
4x4 - Micro Multibin Shell 3d model
4x4 - Micro Multibin Shell 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Micro Multibins are the shortest type of Multibin Shell. Multibin Inserts can be attached to the Micro Multibin Shells using the Corner Pins.

Bin Base:


This Multigrid Bin is 4x4 cells (198 mm wide, 198 mm long) and 11 mm high. Stacking a Micro Bin on another bin will increase its height by 5 mm.

The internal distance between walls is 194x194 mm.The internal height is 5 mm.

The Multipoint Holes at the Bin Base are directed towards the front (width) of the Bin.

Create custom Bins using the Multigrid Bin Generator.

Printing Guidelines:

Use 3 perimeter wall thickness, 0.2 mm layer height, 15% infill, and no supports. Apart from that, use your printer's default settings.

The printing orientation is as provided in the file. Make sure the downloaded files are .STL. This part has been designed with a tolerance of 0.25 mm. Your printer will need to be able to bridge gaps of up to 30 mm for some designs.

For more information about printer settings, click here.

This object is part of Multiboard, a FREE and ridiculously modular organization system with thousands of parts, for creating the most adaptable workspace possible. Learn more and find ALL the parts at

9 Likes158 DownloadsAugust 30, 2024

9 Likes158 DownloadsAugust 30, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms.