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Abbas S

Dragon Head Trophy

Modeling Magician
Remix Model
Modeling Magician
Modeling Magician
Image 1 of 10
Dragon Head Trophy 3d model
Dragon Head Trophy 3d model
Dragon Head Trophy 3d model
Dragon Head Trophy 3d model
Dragon Head Trophy 3d model
Dragon Head Trophy 3d model
Dragon Head Trophy 3d model
Dragon Head Trophy 3d model
Dragon Head Trophy 3d model
Dragon Head Trophy - FDM Print (0,12 Layer Height)
Material: Esun Matte PLA & Standard Black PETG
Printer: Elegoo Neptune 2S
 - 3d model
Dragon Head Trophy 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
30 Likes2 DownloadsOctober 20, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Model Description The Dragon Head Trophy 3D model is a beautifully detailed and lifelike representation of a dragon's head, perfect for mounting on your wall or displaying on a shelf. Here are some key features of this model:

**Intricate Detail: **The dragon head showcases exquisite detail, from the scales on its snout to the fearsome, sharp teeth. It truly brings this mythical creature to life.

Versatile Sizing: This model is designed to be adaptable to your space. You can scale it up for a dramatic centerpiece or keep it small as an accent piece.

Assemble: This is a set with easy assembly - The horns can be popped into the head model, no glue needed. The stand is loose, you can glue it or place the head on it. It balances out great.

Suited for FDM as well as Resin Printers of any kind. (Tested on both)

Get Started To start creating your very own Dragon Head Trophy, download the 3D model files from the Thangs platform and begin your 3D printing adventure. Once complete, proudly display your unique dragon head and watch it become a conversation piece and a symbol of your love for all things fantastical.

Thank you for choosing our Dragon Head Trophy 3D model. We can't wait to see your incredible creations. If you have any questions, need assistance, or want to share your finished masterpiece, feel free to connect with us. Enjoy your 3D printing journey!

Happy printing!

Your Modeling Magician

30 Likes2 DownloadsOctober 20, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
30 Likes2 DownloadsOctober 20, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.