Button Cap with LED Window for Roland HP 1700 & 1700L Keyboard
byMinothorKeycap for the control panel buttons.
The model includes flashing for easily printing multiples using the array modifier, however the printed results will not fit side by side whilst connected, separate the caps and sand down the flashing before installing.
My examples were printed on an Anycubic Photon Mono SE with eSun Black ABS-like Strong & Tough for the key and Anycubic regular clear resin for the LED window.
Both prints used 0.025mm layer height and the default layer times / model curing recommendations from their respective manufacturers.
Disclaimer: I had to sand down the mating sides a little to get the window to fit snugly, and chipped them while applying "unreasonable force" as Big Clive would say.
I've since reduced the relevant sides by 0.05mm to hopefully ensure an easier fit.