tracking pixel
Devin B

WOAH ⇨ DUDE // P.O.V. Illusion

Make Anything
Remix Model
Make Anything
Make Anything
Image 1 of 5
WOAH ⇨ DUDE // P.O.V. Illusion 3d model
Make Anything
Make Anything
Image 1 of 5
WOAH ⇨ DUDE // P.O.V. Illusion 3d model
WOAH ⇨ DUDE // P.O.V. Illusion 3d model
WOAH ⇨ DUDE // P.O.V. Illusion 3d model
WOAH ⇨ DUDE // P.O.V. Illusion 3d model
WOAH ⇨ DUDE // P.O.V. Illusion 3d model
WOAH ⇨ DUDE // P.O.V. Illusion 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Here's what happens when you take a supermassive hadron collider and smash two words together. woah. dude.

I printed this with dissolvable PVA supports. Lots of nooks and crannies!

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31 Likes57 DownloadsAugust 27, 2023

31 Likes57 DownloadsAugust 27, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.