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Devin M

Socrates Springo

Make Anything
Remix Model
Make Anything
Make Anything
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Socrates Springo 3d model
Socrates Springo 3d model
Socrates Springo 3d model
Socrates Springo 3d model
Socrates Springo 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
18 Likes44 DownloadsAugust 10, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

What better way to pay tribute to one of the founders of Western philosophy than to turn him into a Springo?

Thanks to @Christian Levett and The Mougins Museum for providing the 3D scan of the original marble bust of uncertain origins.

For the Springo portion, use 100% infill, 3 perimiters/shells, 0.15mm layer height, PLA plastic. Carefully separate layers after printing using your print removal palette knife or another thin flat object. Ease of separation may vary based on filament and print settings.

The separate 'stand' model does require support material.

For the springo, use 100% infill, 3 perimeters/shells, 0.15mm layer height, PLA plastic.

The separate 'stand' model does require support material.

18 Likes44 DownloadsAugust 10, 2023

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
18 Likes44 DownloadsAugust 10, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.