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This modified pentagon Polypanel is designed to fit onto the IKEA Hemma corded lights so you can build your own light fixtures. How fun!
What are Polypanels?
"Welcome to the world of Polypanels, a system of snap together parts that let you build whatever you want! It’s like an open-ended construction toy for making functional things, harnessing the power of 3D printing and the community to make it truly limitless."
Printing Guidelines
A high wall thickness of 5 shells/perimiters will ensure solid snap connectors. From there settings can vary based on your desired outcome. Print solid for the most robust and long lasting joints, or print a lower infill with 0 top and bottom layer thickness for a cool exposed infill pattern.
18 Likes32 DownloadsAugust 16, 2024
118 Likes32 DownloadsAugust 16, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms.
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