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My new stackable trellis design - now available!
My new stackable trellis design - now available!

New Garden Model and Donation Options

As my little garden grows, I have discovered a need for a trellis for my flowers. This model stacks upon itself to allow for support as high as desired.


With this model, I have also rolled out some new creator support options. All my models are available for free and I do not have plans to change that. Most are also already available for commercial use. I have added a membership plan as an option for people to show their support, and this will also provide commercial permission to the remaining models for anyone who is interested. Alternatively, I have also opened a Buy Me a Coffee page ( - also linked in my profile) for donations.

I greatly appreciate anyone who chooses to donate or subscribe to my membership! No obligation of course, all my current models are still just as available as they were before.

Thanks everyone for checking out my work!

