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Multigrid Is Getting An Upgrade

Multigrid Is Getting An Upgrade

Hey Makers,

I know I’ve been quiet these last few weeks… But don’t worry, I haven’t disappeared.

In fact, I’ve been silently planning the future of the Multigrid Bin System.

And oh boy! We’ve developed Multigrid to a level that’s NEVER been seen before. It’s basically a modular system built into another modular system.

Now keep in mind… there are still months of development and testing to be done.

But Stage 1 is ready 🎉.

It’s called the Multigrid Foundational Update...

This update will lay the groundwork for some insanely flexible systems to be built upon.

So over the next week, we’ll be uploading about 784 parts.

And once everything is up, I’ll show you what has changed and what else to expect in the future.

Thanks for your patience 💖.

And Keep Making!


PS - Some of the dimensions are going to change in this update, but you’ll always be able to find the old parts in the Multiboard Legacy Listing:



Might be VERY helpful if there were stacks that are only 2 tiles high (considering the printing time), especially considering that safety would deem prudent to be present during printing (not sleeping)

Jonathan K
Keep Making

Hey WoodworkerTom, I see where you are coming from. Do keep in mind most slicers let you split an stl by "part" This will then let you select and delete the parts of the stack you do not feel comfortable printing. Also if you happen to be a Multi Maker you have access to the Tile Generator that lets you create custom stacks at the press of a button.

Dylan Rainey

Maybe you could just add descriptions?

Jonathan K
Keep Making

Hey rainey832 your comment is a little confusing to me... You realise everything now has descriptions right...?

Dylan R

A lot do! Love that, but for example what's this bracket used for? And what affixes it