Kaoz Studios

minnie mouse with candy canes wall art xmas disney fanart

Remix Model
Image 1 of 2
minnie mouse with candy canes wall art xmas disney fanart 3d model
Image 1 of 2
minnie mouse with candy canes wall art xmas disney fanart 3d model
minnie mouse with candy canes wall art xmas disney fanart 3d model
minnie mouse with candy canes wall art xmas disney fanart 3d model

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Print Settings
My files are designed to fit most 220x220 print beds and can be resized to suit your needs. Here’s what I recommend:

  • Infill: 15-20%, draft settings
  • Nozzle: 0.6mm or 0.4mm for finer details
  • Material: PLA at 210-215C (PETG slightly hotter)
  • Layer Thickness: Z-axis = 3.5mm
  • For thicker/thinner lines, adjust XY by ±0.2-0.5 in your slicer, ensuring at least two solid lines around any open spaces to avoid fragility.

FUN TIP: To create a dual color/sided piece, simply do a filament color swap at 50% completion.

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1 Likes0 DownloadsDecember 11, 2024