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Important Announcement!

Important Announcement!

In a few days I will be moving back home (Spain) after spending 12 amazing years in New Zealand, with my wife (She is from Honduras) and 2-year-old toddler (She was born is New Zealand). Also, our French Bulldog, but he is already there waiting for us.

It has been specially hard to be away from our families for such a long time, and even harder now with a toddler, and that's why we decided to go back.

This is a big move, and we have been planning this for a year as we are taking everything with us, including a bunch of printers of course!

So in the next month or so I might not be as active, but I will do my best. I'm sure other patrons and my awesome mods will also help when needed, thanks so much guys.

I have been working twice as hard during August to be able to provide you with quality models for September, and I think you guys will be pretty happy with the new models!

Thanks so much to everybody for your amazing support, I really appreciate every single one of you. Kind regards
