SQUISHY Furniture Feet - Set
Description The right size for any project. If you are a furniture maker or simply the handyman of your family you will appreciate these. Rubber feet help to keep your furniture stable and especially your wooden floors scratch-free. Assembly Create a strong connection, by using the right sized washer. It will prevent tearing of the rubber and allows you to pick the screw size you have at hand. Design Keep it simple. It is designed to be printed fast and efficient, without sacrificing on aesthetics. Like most of our products, it features a geometry to align the seam neatly. If you slice it with seam-position aligned, your slicer will automatically position the seam, where we want it to be. Material Squishy for a reason. Print them out of TPU to achieve compliance and to add some friction. For the highest glide resistance and maximum squishiness super soft TPU would theoretically be best suited, but it can be tricky to print. That's why we recommend medium to high hardness TPU, just like colorFabb's TPU 85A. For the best look&feel make sure to properly dry your TPU before use. Printing Adjust squishiness with infill. Depending on the hardness of your material, you can decrease infill to make it more compliant. For heavy furniture we like to print them solid. Since TPU likes to bond to build surfaces, you won't need a brim. But for easier removal, we recommend using some bed-adhesive. Dimensions