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Squad goals.

Squad goals.

I've uploaded a Wizard, a Fighter, a Druid, and a Bard from my family's first D&D campaign.

I noticed today that I have more followers over here than I have on Twitter, (Thangs is really building something I'm happy to be a part of) so it makes more sense to tell you all here what I'm up to.

I wanted to get the big new Venom Bust I'm working on done and shared with y'all, but the closer I get to the finish, and the cooler it's looking, the more I want to take the time to add in some cool little details that will help it shine.

Instead, what I have to share with you all to kick off the new year are the minis I made for my family D&D campaign. My wife and kids designed their own figures and I was able to bring them to life on the table. My daughter wanted to be a water bender and when my son wasn't hiding behind boulders he wanted to throw every kind of fire spell possible.

If you take these guys with you on your adventures, please share your prints so I can show the kids the trouble their heroes have gotten into.

