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Faceted Antique Style Bowl (Easy Print Vase Mode)

Remix Model
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Faceted Antique Style Bowl (Easy Print Vase Mode) - Vase mode print with transparent green PETG, scaled up to 200% - 3d model
Image 5 of 5
Faceted Antique Style Bowl (Easy Print Vase Mode) - Vase mode print with transparent green PETG, scaled up to 200% - 3d model
Faceted Antique Style Bowl (Easy Print Vase Mode) 3d model
Faceted Antique Style Bowl (Easy Print Vase Mode) 3d model
Faceted Antique Style Bowl (Easy Print Vase Mode) 3d model
Faceted Antique Style Bowl (Easy Print Vase Mode) 3d model
Faceted Antique Style Bowl (Easy Print Vase Mode) - Vase mode print with transparent green PETG, scaled up to 200% - 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
15 Likes78 DownloadsFebruary 21, 2022
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

An old fashioned style bowl designed to be printed quickly and easily in vase/spiralise mode.

When printed in a transparent filament in vase mode it comes out very clear, almost like glass!

Prints pictured were printed at 150% scale in Filoalfa glitter PLA using a .4 nozzle however this would come out great scaled up further, especially using a larger nozzle.

15 Likes78 DownloadsFebruary 21, 2022

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
15 Likes78 DownloadsFebruary 21, 2022
This model is restricted by licensing terms.