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Weekly Update: 7-08

Weekly Update: 7-08

Hi Everyone, Here's some updates for this week!

Newest Release

This past week I released the Succulent Clock. A 3D printable plant that keeps track of time. The 3 tiers of leaves are each a hand of the clock. It is spun by a built in clock mechanism. It looks great on a desk and serves as fun physical clock.

What's Next?

An updated version of the forest chess set to include Acorn checkers! Coming out this week, so keep an eye out for that! The board is also getting an update so it can be printed much easier.

Desktop Cornhole is currently underway as well. Articulating printable beanbags maybe? and a Secret launcher? This one should be fun.

Model Updates

Bambookends has been updated so that the pens have caps that fit into the dirt. The .3mf file has also been updated.
