Colby G

Snowman Cash Stash

Remix Model
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Snowman Cash Stash 3d model
Image 4 of 8
Snowman Cash Stash 3d model
Snowman Cash Stash 3d model
Snowman Cash Stash 3d model
Snowman Cash Stash 3d model
Snowman Cash Stash 3d model
Snowman Cash Stash 3d model
Snowman Cash Stash 3d model
Snowman Cash Stash 3d model
Snowman Cash Stash 3d model

The Snowman Cash Stash is the most diabolical way to gift someone some cash. Roll up some bills and stuff them inside this puzzle to keep the recipient entertained, and maybe a little frustrated.


Before assembling, TEST THE THREADS multiple times to loosen them and get them working smoothly. Put the head on the maze compartment and thread/unthread to get it moving smoothly. Do the same with the butt screw. This is very important, so the threads don't bind up when it is fully assembled.

How to Assemble:

  1. Roll up money and insert into the open end of the Maze Compartment

  2. Use the Nose and Adapter to screw the Butt Screw into the Maze Compartment

  3. Insert the Adapter into the hidden cavity inside the snowman.

  4. Insert the maze compartment into the body. THIS MAY TAKE A WHILE. To make it easier, look at the 3d model of the maze in your slicer software while you do it for the "Cheat codes"

  5. Screw the head on

  6. Screw the nose in, (remember, it's a reverse thread, so lefty tighty, righty loosy)

  7. That's it! Now Gift it and watch the recipient work for their wages

163 Likes655 DownloadsMarch 12, 2024

163 Likes655 DownloadsMarch 12, 2024