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Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild"

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Codex from "The Guild"

Image 1 of 16
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Image 1 of 16
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" - Printed in Resione clear resin on the Elegoo Saturn 3 - 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" - Prepainting - 3d model
Codex from "The Guild" - Honestly, I love looking at these and the details are amazing. Inspiring design and skill by Felicia Day and Moonlight Minis 😍 - 3d model

Codex from "The Guild"

New Members: Click Download Now to download Codex from "The Guild"

Want a Cleric or Priest with powerful magic and extremely low self-esteem? You've found her! Codex is a team player through and through, but force her to make an interpersonal skill check, and she'll be rolling 1's all day long. She'll unload her spells on baddies without hesitation, but'll be whispering "I'm sorry" under her breath every time they hit. Sure, a good healer is invaluable, but watch your party's purse strings if you're in town with her. Any "orphan" will be walking away with your cold hard gold with the first sob story Codex hears. What a sweet little chump!

Print Instructions:

  • If you want to use the included base, print the "Based" STL
  • If you want to attach your own base, print the "Unbased" STL
  • Resin printers should use the LYS Pre-Supported files
  • FDM printers should scale it up 100% or more so you can see more details and so the supports will be less brittle

Sculpted by Thangs3D Community Artist, Moonlight Minis ❤️ Thank you 3D Printing Community for turning my original characters into real miniatures!

Please follow me for more amazing 3D Print ideas! xoox Felicia

155 Likes99 DownloadsApril 30, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms.