Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
Took it apon myself to make an Multi Material / 3in-1out adapter and this is what i churned out.
Designed to print easy and fast, the prototype's have turned out great and things seem to line up and turn out good.
Parts needed: 2x: M2,5 x 12mm bolts 3x: M2,5 x 14mm bolts (for 3in-1out top) 3x: M2,5 x 8mm bolts (for single/flex top) 1x: NF TC-02 or THC-01 "PTFE-collector" (i contacted them and baught just the PTFE-collectors) 4x: Embedded PTFE tube connectors
The THC-01 PTFE-collector "stem" needs to be cut down in length so it mates up nicely with the top of the Mosquito's heat sink.
If you want to use it for single material just unscrew the 3in-1out top, pull out the PTFE-collector and screw on the single/flex top, and vise versa.
NOTE! I haven't gotten my Mosquito yet, aka. i haven't got the opportunity to run it atm!