Blood Ruby Short Sword
Explore the intricately designed Blood Ruby Short Sword 3D model on, skillfully created by designer Digital North 3D in the Miniatures/Fantasy category. This original design short sword complements its Boar shield counterpart uniquely and offers versatility, transforming into a key chain at its default print size or printed as a miniature. For added strength and durability, the model is crafted in two halves, aligning the print layers along the length of the sword for a more robust build. The product ensures a simple print and does not require supports, providing an easy and efficient 3D printing experience for all skill levels. Visitors searching for top-notch fantasy miniature 3D models will find this Blood Ruby Short Sword a combination of craft, creativity, and functionality. The intricate detailing visible in the provided visuals asserts the model's appeal, showcasing the expertise and dedication to quality 3D design.