Delta Design

MX Blocker v5 - ZSA Moonlander shine trough edition

Delta Design
Remix Model
Delta Design
Delta Design
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MX Blocker v5 - ZSA Moonlander shine trough edition 3d model
Delta Design
Delta Design
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MX Blocker v5 - ZSA Moonlander shine trough edition 3d model
MX Blocker v5 - ZSA Moonlander shine trough edition 3d model
MX Blocker v5 - ZSA Moonlander shine trough edition 3d model
MX Blocker v5 - ZSA Moonlander shine trough edition 3d model
MX Blocker v5 - ZSA Moonlander shine trough edition 3d model

Based on Aspu's MX Blocker:

MX compatible switch blocker to fill a gap in a mechanical keyboard plate. I printed this in transparent TPU on its head (top of the model to the baseplate) to be able to print it without infill.


  • Standard 14x14mm (slightly oversized by 0.1mm to stay put)
  • Printed in TPU for snug fit
  • Allows Led shine trough
Printing tips

Tips by me, for me in the future:

  • Print with nozzle @228 and first layer bed @40
  • I used the Generic TPU @95 profile
  • I used "ERYONE TPU filament 1,75 mm, 3D-drukfilament TPU, 0,5 kg, 1 spoel, -0,05 mm, 95 A, transparant" fillament
  • Invill pattern lines with a 10% infill

0 Likes5 DownloadsApril 17, 2023

0 Likes5 DownloadsApril 17, 2023