
Turritellid Seashell (short)

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Turritellid Seashell (short) 3d model
Image 1 of 3
Turritellid Seashell (short) 3d model
Turritellid Seashell (short) 3d model
Turritellid Seashell (short) 3d model
Turritellid Seashell (short) 3d model

Turritellid Seashell (short)

Some simple seashells based modelled from the common Turritellid seashell.

See here for video: https://youtu.be/dUEOYucI38k

The small spiral has six logarithmic revolutions; the large spiral has ten logarithmic revolutions.

Short: https://than.gs/m/929031 Long: https://than.gs/m/929033

Print as oriented with the larger end down. Raise the model off the build plate about 3mm and generate tree supports underneath. It is best to print at least two at a time for best results.

AI generated description:

Explore the mesmerizing beauty of the ocean with this intricately designed 3D model based on the common Turritellid seashell. Our "Arts & Entertainment" category features this stunning piece that reflects the elegance of natural spiral patterns found in seashells. Keeps in mind, the small spiral in this 3D model has six logarithmic revolutions, while the larger one captivates with ten logarithmic revolutions. This ensures an authentic representation of the Turritellid Seashell. Artists will appreciate the attention to detail and the inspiration it brings. Printing instructions recommend positioning the model with the larger end down. For optimal results, print at least two at a time. Delve into the wonders of marine life with the Turritellid Seashell 3D model. Preview images of this 3D model are available to envision the finished product before you start your 3D printing project. Experience the fascinating world brought to you by DaveMakesStuff at thangs.com.

280 Likes373 DownloadsSeptember 8, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.