Happy Halloween Articulating Spine
This print-in-place “Happy Halloween” spine is fun to print and feels really weird to hold and move. See here for video: https://youtu.be/1uJ-5xu7dJw The spine must be printed as oriented, with the spinous processes point up. Changing the orientation of the file will result in improper printing of the inner ball joint between adjacent vertebrae. The transverse processes that stick out sideways do not need support. Therefore, you only need to support the base of the vertebral bodies and the top loop. You’ll have to plan your support well in order to adequately support the curved bottom surface of the vertebral body. A suggested technique using Cura is to raise the object of the build plate by 3mm, and then add tree supports underneath. Switch “Support distance priority” to “xy overrides z” and tighten up the “xy support distance” to 0.1mm. After printing there will be some small adhesions on the inside ball joint and in the facet joints. Just do some gentle spinal mobilization and they will release and move freely. Be sure to let your print fully cool first! If the plastic is still soft, the connector may break when you try to move it.
#spine #vertebrea #skeleton #bones #halloween #happyhalloween #printinplace