Digit Demon Vlad Dracula
30 downloads · 1 year ago · Remix of Dracula Bobblehead by 3DPrinty
Remixed from 3DPrinty's bobblehead Dracula.
Removed most of
Remix of Dracula Bobblehead by 3DPrinty Remixed from 3DPrinty's bobblehead Dracula.
Removed most of the cloak from the from of the model to reveal his face more and made it so it fits on the end of your finger. Size to your needs.
The inside is tapered to fit your finger snugly. I have included 2 sizes that should work from most average sized fingers.
Prints with no supports but i recommend turning supports and a brim on when printing.
You can also keep it slightly big and use poster putty inside to stick to it your finger.
30 Likes30 DownloadsOctober 1, 2023
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