Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
My take on Misan's drawing machine. I made one with a grbl controller and a CNC shield and adapted Misan's parts to be 3D printed.
Please read Misan's instructions as well.
The drawing machine is a small three axis robot that controls a pen or any drawing implement over a canvas. It is a complete open source design and aims to teach the basics of robotics.
Budget for one is about 80$. You will need a 3D printer.
The Z stage does not use a servo, as in Misan's machine, but rather one of those cheap 28BYJ stepper motors you can find for 1.50$ on eBay.
NOTE: The photos are of the current prototype, some of the modifications to the various bits and pieces have not yet been tested.
If you have a question, first search in the Comments section. If you can't find an answer, then ask in a Comment. I will answer as fast and as much as I can.
And please, share your makes!