Corey M

Torus Vase

CM Design
Remix Model
CM Design
CM Design
Image 1 of 2
Torus Vase 3d model
CM Design
CM Design
Image 1 of 2
Torus Vase 3d model
Torus Vase 3d model
Torus Vase 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Have you been looking AROUND for a new vase? I have just the vase to ROLL out onto your printer, the torus vase!

Print Settings Unfortunately this cannot be printed in vase mode due to its construction but, it does not need supports! The bottom half is solid so that it has some weight to support whatever flowers you wanted to display.

I printed it at .2mm layer height with 25% infill and with 2 perimeters/shells. You can print it at a higher layer height to speed up the print time.

Happy Printing!

190 Likes1K DownloadsApril 22, 2022

190 Likes1K DownloadsApril 22, 2022
This model is restricted by licensing terms.