Corey M

The Legend of Zelda: Korok Pencil Holder

CM Design
Remix Model
CM Design
CM Design
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The Legend of Zelda: Korok Pencil Holder 3d model
CM Design
CM Design
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The Legend of Zelda: Korok Pencil Holder 3d model
The Legend of Zelda: Korok Pencil Holder 3d model
The Legend of Zelda: Korok Pencil Holder 3d model
The Legend of Zelda: Korok Pencil Holder 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Welcome to the Spore Store! My shrooms are delicious, suspicious, but never malicious! ~ Natie, a Korok Merchant

In the Legend of Zelda the Korok are an essential part of the campaign! I was inspired to make their likeness into cute little pencil or pen holders!

There are 5 different masks to choose from! The 5-Leaf Mask only fits to its corresponding Korok! The rest of the masks will fit the standard Korok.

Print Settings -.2mm layer height -15-20% infill -No supports needed -The masks look great with the top infill pattern Octagram Spiral!

Assembly -Print parts -Pressure fit mask on nose -Some gluing maybe needed to keep mask on

52 Likes18 DownloadsJuly 9, 2023

52 Likes18 DownloadsJuly 9, 2023
This model is restricted by licensing terms.