Asseen O
Asseen O

Queen Bird Feeder (chess)

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Queen Bird Feeder (chess) 3d model
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Queen Bird Feeder (chess) 3d model
Queen Bird Feeder (chess) 3d model
Queen Bird Feeder (chess) 3d model

Queen Bird Feeder (chess)

The Queen is everyone's favorite chess piece. And most people love birds as well.

My wife loves both, so I decided to combine the two and make her a special bird feeder. She loves it, and so do the birds!

After the success of my design, I wanted to share it with everyone. I refined it and added two more versions for your enjoyment. These are double-decker bird feeders, giving you the possibility of many visitors to your garden.

These can be printed on their side or standing up. I printed mine on the side. You will need to add support material which is easy to remove and won't be seen from the outside. I'm very happy with the design and I hope you're happy with it too.

The first one is a standard queen chess piece. The other two have extra artwork on the sides depicting chess and bird themes. The bird feeders can be scaled down if you like. Plus, I am including a step file so that you can modify it or cut it in parts for printing if you have a small build plate. If my Queen Bird Feeder gets a lot of positive response I will be happy to design other chess piece bird feeders as well.

Enjoy the Queen Bird Feeder from As Seen on 3D! It's #FunctionalArt and a fun embellishment for your garden.

18 Likes11 DownloadsJuly 31, 2023