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Dorine P

Aries sign.stl

Remix Model
Image 1 of 2
Aries sign.stl 3d model
Aries sign.stl 3d model
Aries sign.stl 3d model
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
1 Likes0 DownloadsMarch 21, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms. 

Each month, a card corresponding to the change of sign will be released.

You will find a simple version that prints with just one color change and you will also find a galaxy version which I had a little more fun with which mixes a hueforge galaxy with my basic model.

Print settings for the simple version (no photos, see the Aquarius sign) :

0.2mm layer height 5% infill

Print settings for the galaxy version :

0.16mm layer height 5% infill For layered color changes

PLA Eryone Black until 0.56mm PLA Eryone Matte Navy Blue until 1.36mm PLA Eryone Standard Blue until 2.32mm PLA Esun Mate Light Blue until 3.44mm PLA Eryone Dark Violet until 4.72mm PLA Eryone Pearl White for the rest

All my designs are copyrighted, so you can't sell digital or print files of them. If you would like to sell prints of my designs you can take out a commercial license.

If you'd like to keep up to date with the release of all my creations, don't hesitate to join me on my various networks:




Please do not hesitate to contact me if there is a problem with one of my models or if you have any questions

Don't hesitate to tag me or DM me on all my networks if you post photos of my creations, I'd love to see and share them :)

1 Likes0 DownloadsMarch 21, 2024

This model is restricted by licensing terms. 
1 Likes0 DownloadsMarch 21, 2024
This model is restricted by licensing terms.