Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box

Remix Model
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Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model
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Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model
Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model
Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model
Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model
Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model
Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model
Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model
Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model
Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model
Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Box 3d model

I am very excited to introduce to you the Rolling Gridfinity Octofinity Storage box. This design was inspired by the video that Zack Freedman(https://than.gs/u/76763) did covering 3DPrinty's(https://than.gs/u/103932) Rolling Storage Box(https://than.gs/m/31111). After watching that video I knew I hade to make a Gridfinity version.

I have not fully printed this design myself yet, but I have printed some of the parts to insure fitment.

Here is the BOM 4 x M3x6mm SHCP(Socket Head Cap Screws) 15 x 126mm 1.75mm filament 1 x 130mm 1.75mm filament 8 X Gridfinity Boxes size 3x1x6(or stacked bins equaling the height of the x6)

That's it! Every other part is printed!

EDIT: I have now printed all the parts(of course I had to print my Gridfinity bins in ROYGBIV color scheme). I did find that the spacing for the Octofinity bin was slightly larger than I liked so I decreased this spacing slightly. Changes have been uploaded.

65 Likes83 DownloadsMay 8, 2023

65 Likes83 DownloadsMay 8, 2023