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Collapsible Easter Carrot Sword to the rescue!

Collapsible Easter Carrot Sword to the rescue!

Hi everyone,

This week I was looking forward to offer you an egg shaped gift box that would have something special about it. However, after I run a couple of test prints, I noticed an issue that can not be overseen, therefore the egg gift box design has been postponed to some time early next week.

But for now, here's a my version of a collapsible sword - a carrot with a collapsible mechanism implemented in it:

This print consists of 3 parts to enable multicolor option without need of a multicolor printer.

Additionally there is a tightening tool file included to tighten the blade part in the hilt part.

While hilt part, top part and tightening tool can be printed with basic settings, the blade part is a more tricky print to get successful - I printed it with 20mm brim, 0.00 mm distance between brim and the object as well as 0% infill and 5 walls.

Next week I will be publishing the previously mentioned egg shaped gift box as well as additional Tower Maze levels with a new feature to make the experience way better. And there might be some additional bonus designs.

3D Brinumi
