Helga Hufflepuff's Wand
0 downloads · 2 months ago · This model is a fan-made replica of the wand from the Harry Potter movies.
- At 100% scale wand shou
This model is a fan-made replica of the wand from the Harry Potter movies.
- At 100% scale wand should correspond with the dimensions from the movie series.
**3D PRINTING SETTINGS **You should set your slicer to only retract when crossing perimeters, or you can switch off retractions completely if you're printing only one part. Otherwise, there is a chance of clogging your nozzle.
- We recommend using a 10 mm brim for better bed adhesion.
- Layer height 0.2 mm
- Infill 15%
- Supports 45 degrees THIS IS US! Hi! This custom model was created by 3Demon. We're a team of 3D modeling and printing enthusiasts from Prague, Czech Republic. With over a decade of experience, we specialize in crafting 3D-printable cosplay accessories and other unique designs. Explore more of our creations on Thangs, where you can join our membership! 🔥 Membership starts at $9.75 monthly 🔥 Grants exclusive access to our incredible library of models Follow and tag us on social media to stay in touch!