Wesley V

Ghost led box

3D prints and gifts
Remix Model
3D prints and gifts
3D prints and gifts
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Ghost led box 3d model
3D prints and gifts
3D prints and gifts
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Ghost led box 3d model
Ghost led box 3d model
Ghost led box 3d model

Explore the detailed 3D model of a unique Ghost LED box under our Home & Garden section on Thangs.com. Crafted by the renowned designer, this piece showcases intricate details. Its ghostly facade, complete with separate models for left eye, right eye, mouth, back plate, and body, make it a quirky addition to your decor. Ideal for a DIY project, you'll need to print all the parts, followed by gluing in the eyes and mouth parts. The LED strip fits snugly in. The finishing touch is attaching the back plate securely. With its intriguing yet spooky appeal, this 3D model of a Ghost LED box is sure to help you put a spirited spin on your interior design. Perfect for Halloween decor or for those who enjoy unusual home accessories. Find the Ghost LED box and much more at Thangs.com.

20 Likes29 DownloadsSeptember 1, 2023

20 Likes29 DownloadsSeptember 1, 2023