(If you choose to print this, I would love to see the results as I don't have a printer to test my designs yet. Thanks!)
The Arm is a combination system for mounting things with endless possibilities. You can mount this to your speakers as an additional way of having your camera or Go Pro for taking videos/pictures, or you can use the base as just a speaker cover. You can also use this as a base to mount the system to a desk or another place.
The Arm's Base is not only a general speaker cover, but a base for a ball style mounting system, giving the user another way of printing and mounting their Go Pro or Camera, while only needing a few pieces of hardware to complete the set.
There are 11 printable pieces for the current selection of parts for the mounting system.
Needed parts include: 1 ) - 2.75" Long 1/4" diameter bolt 1 ) - 2" Long 1/4" diameter bolt 2 ) - 1/4" Nuts (Ideally Wingnut) 1 ) - Camera mounting bolt (For Camera Mount) 1 ) - Standard Go Pro Screw (For Go Pro Mount) 1 ) - Standard Go Pro Nut (For Go Pro Mount)
If you decide to print this, I would love to see the results as I don't have a printer yet and would love to see my designs become reality. Thanks!
As always, Good Luck, High Fives all around, and Happy Printing!
Molle - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverMollestl-14335 The Hoop - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheHoopstl-14333 Decay - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverDecaystl-14328 Maximum Extermination!-https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverMaximumExterminationstl-14298 Exterminate! V2 - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverExterminate-V2stl-14246 Exterminate! - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverExterminatestl-14244 The Gyro - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheGyrostl-14216 Caps Shield V2 - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverCapsShieldV2stl-14108 Caps Shield V1 - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverCapsShieldV1stl-14106 Sonic Boom - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverSonicBoomstl-14091 The Crown V2 - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheCrownV2stl-13892 The Crown V1 - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheCrownV1stl-13890 The Burner - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheBurnerstl-13782