(If you choose to print this, I would love to see the results as I don't have a printer to test my designs yet. Thanks!)
This speaker cover is for all the fans of the State of Decay game series. Even though its quite simple, I hand sketched it from the logo to be extruded, so it was a bit time consuming to say the least. I hope whoever might try this print gets great success and enjoyment from it as much as the games themselves.
As always, Good Luck, High Fives all around, and Happy Printing!
The Arm - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheArmstl-14597
Molle - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverMollestl-14335
The Hoop - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheHoopstl-14333
Maximum Extermination!-https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverMaximumExterminationstl-14298
Exterminate! V2 - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverExterminate-V2stl-14246
Exterminate! - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverExterminatestl-14244
The Gyro - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheGyrostl-14216
Caps Shield V2 - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverCapsShieldV2stl-14108
Caps Shield V1 - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverCapsShieldV1stl-14106
Sonic Boom - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverSonicBoomstl-14091
The Crown V2 - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheCrownV2stl-13892
The Crown V1 - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheCrownV1stl-13890
The Burner - https://thangs.com/JonathanM/3DPNSpeakerCoverTheBurnerstl-13782