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🕷️ Venom Kirby: The Ultimate Cuteness Overload! 🕹️

🕷️ Venom Kirby: The Ultimate Cuteness Overload! 🕹️

🕷️ Venom Kirby: The Ultimate Cuteness Overload! 🕹️

Hey there, awesome people!

Guess what? I’m back with another epic Kirby design, and this time, it’s Venom Kirby! The coolest mashup in the galaxy (move over, Avengers)!

Inside the file, you’ll find:

✅ A multipart model (because who doesn’t love puzzles?)

✅ A completed model (for the impatient ones)

✅ Pre-painted 3MF files for our Bambulab users (fancy!)


🎨 Layer lines: 0.2 mm (precision is key, folks)

🛡️ Walls: 2 walls (double the protection)

🧀 Infill: 7% (we like our models like we like our cheese – light and airy)

🌡️ Temperature: 220°C nozzle and 65°C bed (hotter than my mixtape)

🚀 Speed: 60 mm/s (speedy Gonzales approved)

🛠️ Support: for the body (we all need a little support sometimes)

🍃 Raft/Brim: No (we’re rebels like that)

If you’re already part of our incredible Thangs family, head on over to my page tab and snatch that STL file! If you’re not yet, what are you waiting for? An engraved invitation?

Don’t forget to share your makes on our Facebook group or Discord channel! I want to see your creations (and secretly judge your printing skills).

Happy printing, you magnificent makers!
