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Gothic Cathedral Doll and UPDATES

Gothic Cathedral Doll and UPDATES

I'm so sorry it's been awhile since I've posted. We've been dealing with illnesses, back to school stuff, and all manner of standard family-related chaos.

This past week saw the release of the first of my dolls. I do plan on releasing more flexis, but first I have the cathedral's trinket box and keyholder coming up this week, possibly into next depending. I've also had a request for a tarot card box, which I will be working on after that.

Once those are out, I plan to change tacks and start in on a new series of organizers. I want to sort of theme them around the dolls as opposed to vice versa, as I think having a solid theme in mind while designing the next series will be more cohesive.

I've also always had a special love for minis and have a modular dollhouse in the works with rooms themed around the dolls, as well as little animal buddies (yes the vampire bat I've been promising will be part of this!), tables and chairs and beds and other themed accessories. This will be down the line a little ways, as the modular house itself will be a pretty large undertaking and will have a lot of moving parts to design and test. I want it to be single color friendly, which will require figuring out how to make decorations and siding etc snap into place and stay coherent between pieces.

I will also be releasing free personal use prints every other week. These will be fairly simple, but it's in an effort to ensure not all of my stuff is paywalled. I have a family to support like anyone, but I also love this hobby and don't want it entirely gatekept based on income.

Big things are in the works! I thank you all for sticking around with me so far and look forward to providing you with some fun, interesting prints for you, your loved ones, and/or your shops :)
