Stardust D
Stardust D

Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest

Stardust Designs
Stardust Designs
Stardust Designs
Stardust Designs
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Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest 3d model
Stardust Designs
Stardust Designs
Image 1 of 7
Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest 3d model
Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest 3d model
Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest 3d model
Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest 3d model
Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest 3d model
Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest 3d model
Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest 3d model
Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest 3d model

Bambu Lab P1P / X1 Build Plate Locker #ThangsBambuContest

I designed this locker for the Bambu Lab P1P and X1 to store spare build plates for the print queue. It can hold up to six plates fully enclosed. The door and front frame feature slots for optional 8mm x 3mm x 1mm magnets for a satisfying seal. The locker consists of eight models that can be printed by the P1P or X1 in four plates without supports and assembled without glue.

Designed and rendered in Shapr3D. I’m eager to see what improvements/changes others might have! I have a few of my own I hope to share here soon.


25 Likes61 DownloadsMarch 24, 2023
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