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Memberships and Free Downloads

Memberships and Free Downloads

Today I launched some memberships to address a few things...

1. Addressing the demand I have had for commercial licensing,
2. Giving me a mechanism to have paid models (which has become critical to the Leagues) and lastly,
3. Hoping to create an alternative method for support from those who can and would like to support my campaign to create functional and useful designs with commercial potential.

I would like to continue giving away models and I will certainly do that, but it has become clear that limiting the time models are available for free is a powerful tool in the Leagues competitions which provides greater financial reward to designers than any given model otherwise might over its lifetime.

So my message to everyone is... please download models that you are interested in or may be interested in when they are released as they may later become paid models. I mean, I am happy if you want to pay for it, but even happier if you can get it while it is free.
