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It’s lemon o ‘clock

It’s lemon o ‘clock

My citrus clock is out now!

While working on another fruit themed design – I stumbled onto this idea: If you squint your eyes a little and sprinkle in some imagination – the segments of a cut-open lemon could kind of be the dial of a clock! The seeds would then be the clock hands.


Since I had a clock building kit on hand – and lemons are easy to get – I wanted to try it out. I selected a lemon in the supermarket based on the shape with a bulkier bottom, since the product needs a solid base to stand on. The 3d scan was rather easy, what took me some time is getting the kit inside. I overengineered a solution where you put it in from the front – but securing the dial and putting in new batteries was a hassle. Sometimes the right solution to a problem is in plain sight. What if the lemon was just slightly larger at the bottom to put the clockwork in and make the components reachable? This is what I ended up with and discarded the previous versions.

Those clockwork kits are almost identical everywhere I checked. I included all relevant measurements in the description. I used the one from bambulab but for example the first few that came up on amazon would work as well. I made sure to include all relevant measurements and what to look out for!

In terms of shape this could also well be an orange or lime – so please go crazy with colors!

It is easy and fast to print. I created single and multi-color files. The multi-color version has very little waste but if you do not have this capability at home – the single-color version works as well, and the result looks identical.

Have fun printing!
