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Heart String Art
Heart String Art

Valentine's Art

These days I saw that some designers have started uploading their designs for Valentine's Day. I've been wanting to try something different for a while and I asked the 3D Print Bunny if I could use their string art for an idea that was floating around in my head and Heart String Art 3D printable model come out!

Heart String Art Pink Frikarte3D.jpgThe result is what you can see! A heart-shaped Valentine's decoration with different hearts blooming inside. I think it turned out really well, I printed it on my Creality K1 using Winkle Red Diablo and Artillery Silk Gold PLA filaments which gives it a really nice contrast.

This Heart String Art is now available on my Frikarte3D Thangs profile! I want to see your creations and the color combinations you use!

Happy printing!
