Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
ALWAYS DOWNLOAD THE WHAT TO PRINT TEXT FILES ON MY PROJECTSThe Mako Mini is a normal numpad but with 4 extra keys lining the top of the numpad which gives you extra macro keys for anything you want to do with it. I set up mine to launch calculator, clear the calculation(escape key), backspace and toggle layer to change layers.
There are multiple versions each allow you to differently mount the numpad to the left or right side of the keyboard depending on your preference. You can also choose not to even mount the numpad to the keyboard itself and have it as a separate numpad.
For just a normal numpad print everything starts with C_somethingname
Parts needed to make this: Cherry compatible switches x 21 diodes (optional, if you use you can press multiple keys at once) Micro controller (I used Arduino pro micro) 4 M6 screws Wires
Mine is different I have a small 0 so I made another hole for fn key