Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
Inspired by this is a generator that can be modified to fit various sizes of paint bottles, and probably also a lot of other stuff.
Update 2016-09-10:
- Fix the grip border size (was half of intended).
- Fix the handle hole border size (was half of intended).
- Better generate resolution.
- More smooth handle.
Maybe it would be nice for some to have a list of settings value to set, that fits various different lids. The default values is set to fit the sizes of the inspired tool. If you make a print that fits some other paint bottle, feel free to send a message with the config values, so that others can make it as well.
Update 2016-09-14:
- Updated the default size to fit Tamiya Paint Mini.
- Added test boolean to print only the grip to test size.
- After several tests, found the ideal size for Tamiya Paint mini to be diameter=37.7
Update 2016-09-15:
- Fixed how to set the test "boolean" so that it works with the customizer app. There is no support for booleans, so now it is a string.
I would advice people to create a test print, setting test="true"; and setting the height=2; to not wast plastic, when testing for the right grip size.