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Just a little FYI

Just a little FYI

Hey again!

If you haven't already noticed, I now have a Thangs membership plan all set up! If you've been keeping up on socials with the chaos that has been my life, you'll know that I've suddenly found myself in an unexpected financial crisis.

As such, I'm trying everything I can to alleviate some of that burden and that includes opening up a membership subscription for those who are interested! Of course, zero obligation on your part!

You do get otherwise paid models included in the sub, as well as access to a private discord AS WELL AS a commercial license to sell prints of my models.

Essentially, it's the same perks as you would have gotten if you subbed to my Patreon.

If a subscription model isn't your thing (and I know it isn't for some of you) I'm also slowly putting up the models for individual sale so you can just buy them one off instead of having to subscribe to get the models. It's up to you what to choose!

Thanks again, all of you, for consistently being interested in what I do. I know I'm not as creative as some of you 3D modelers out there, but I do hope I bring a little light into your lives, in whatever way I can.

Much love,

