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August Wrap Up

August Wrap Up

I'm back from the United States and so very pumped to get a bunch of super cool prints out for all of you! July was a very 'bookish' heavy month for me. I visited San Diego for Comic-Con too - which definitely gave me a creative boost, so that was so great!

While I was there, I managed to have a lovely chat with Felicia Day (also a lovely Thangs member!) and handed her two HueForge prints - and she also signed one for me :D I will make the HF file for the Guild comic cover available to you all soon enough! I also gave the cast of Wynonna Earp a HF print - so you know. Just doing my part to spread the HueForge love around.

Anyway! For those of you who aren't subscribed to the paid tiers, here's a look at what July brought them!

1. Caraval replica book cover printIMG_1831.JPG2. When the Moon Hatched replica book cover printIMG_1834.JPG3. When the Moon Hatched inspired art printIMG_1600.JPG4. When the Moon Hatched inspired lampIMG_1427.JPG5. Early Access to the Primal Rage print as a special request :)IMG_1596.JPG
I already have some stuff up ready for you all for August (I just have to stop being lazy and upload them).

Thank you once more for sticking with me, and know that I love you all very very much!
