Zack F

Picatinny Rail Covers

Remix Model
Picatinny Rail Covers 3d model
Picatinny Rail Covers 3d model
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This model was created by K9ES, and is reposted as permitted by their Creative Commons Noncommercial license.

Turn your unused Picatinny tactical rails from jagged hand-shredders into a comfy, stylish statement. K9ES created three different ladder-type rail covers, BUT ALL OF THEM SHOULD BE PRINTED IN TPU!

Also, think twice about putting this on a real-steel firearm. It may melt.

Excellent for homemade Nerf blasters! I used this in my Caliburn Sniper build on YouTube.

Version 1 has rounded corners, and Version 2 has sharp corners. Both should be printed with supports. Yes, you can print supports with TPU.

Version 3 is more filled in, and doesn't need supports. Looks pretty neat, too.


46 Likes303 DownloadsMarch 29, 2021

46 Likes303 DownloadsMarch 29, 2021
This model is restricted by licensing terms.