Thanks to PHLASH for the name suggestion! This is the Decapitated Snowman!
Both head require supports - use tree/organic supports Head with connector to spine can get a bit tricky to print because the connector parts might get disconnected. Try the tips below:
- Slow down your print
- Use a brim with 0.1 or even 0.0 distance
- Use support for internal connector as well
- Use glue
Both hats require supports.
All other parts - No supports. Scaling down - Will be tricky, Scaling up - No problem.
If something doesn't fit - scale up/down by 1%-2% All parts print separately except some that require AMS (or just print in one color) You will need a few drops of glue for some parts - Adjust the hands BEFORE using glue.
14 Likes29 DownloadsNovember 25, 2024