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July 2024 Monthly Release

July 2024 Monthly Release

Join us this month for over 100 STLs and PDF resources!

Combined Tier

Best offer for the completionist, as this tier has both model lines in it for less!

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RPG Tier

The new RPG-themed tier, tailored towards needs of D&D 5e (and other tabletop roleplay games) players contains a set of monsters, characters and terrain, with a wide range of PDF content to accompany them.

The PDF content is designed to be Plug&Play, so you don't need to use a bloated adventure module and have your whole session/campaign spin around it.

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Wargaming Tier

Our classic tier, tailored towards needs of wargamers with models usable in skirmish games like Frostgrave, MESBG, Warhammer and indie systems like OPR. The bundle contains a set of monsters, characters, units and terrain.

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