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Tolerance? Clearance? Allowance? I just want my parts to fit together!

Tolerance? Clearance? Allowance? I just want my parts to fit together!

When I initially delved into the realm of design it didn't take long before I encountered the word tolerance. Cool, great word, seemed to make sense. That is until I learnt more about making parts fit together.... See this is where I encountered the terms allowance and clearance. Not long after I realised there was a heap of information about tolerance on the interwebs, but hardly any of it was consistent and reputable!

The result of this revelation is an article I whipped up that explains, in clear terms, what allowance, clearance and tolerance are (and a couple of bonus terms!). I made this article in the hopes that it would help my followers become familiar with the correct terms so you all can efficiently learn best practices and get better quicker!

Here's a link to the article:

Tolerance? Clearance? Allowance? I just want my parts to fit together!
