Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
These models were created with the generous support of my patrons on Patreon. You can join the fun at to get advance access, free models, and support a quickly growing collection of tabletop models. Higher tiers can also participate in polling, and suggest future projects.
I wanted to to put the "grave" in Frostgrave, so I worked on a set of what started as "Graveyard fencing" but could easily work in a lot of different scenarios. I included a few different sections, as well as ruined versions to give your table that proper look.
I have quite a few models available for table wargaming, just check below. I put a lot of time into making these models, so if you're inclined a TIP wouldn't hurt.
If you'd like to purchase a print of this, you can check here are FunBoardGames on Etsy who is the only authorized vendor of these printed models. If the models aren't up on his site just shoot him an email with a request, he is usually pretty quick to respond.
I've created a lot of other wargaming terrain for you to download and enjoy: Fantasy Wargame Terrain - Star Wars Legion/Sci Fi - Gaslands -