Model originally uploaded to Thingiverse at
These models were created with the generous support of my patrons on Patreon. You can join the fun at to get advance access, free models, and support a quickly growing collection of tabletop models.
I started playing the game Rangers of Shadow Deep from the author of Frostgrave, which is a great solo/co-op tabletop skirmish game. I needed some trees to fill out my table, and didn't like what I had on hand for models, most were too fragile, or too cartoony. So I came up with these. They work well for providing cover, and filling out a table, but are also sturdy and can handle being tossed into your terrain box.
If you'd like to purchase a print of this, you can check here are FunBoardGames on Etsy who is the only authorized vendor of these printed models. If the models aren't up on his site just shoot him an email with a request, he is usually pretty quick to respond.