2 new models
This week, I have tow new models for you.
One is a Sierpinski Fractal Pyramid and the other one is a new Lamp.
Check out my profile here www.thangs.com/RuvenBals
I decided to make a free model from time to time. Those free models are always unoriginal. That means the initial idea is not my own and can be found somewhere else with a cc license. I mainly make those to enhance my skills and be able to apply the underlying concepts in the future at original models.
Don't worry. I'm still going to make original stuff for my members every week. The free models are just a side project with less priority.
The Sierpinski Fractal is such a model. It's a very interesting object. Fractals are self repeating patterns that can have infinite detail. You are probably going to see more in the future ;)
Thanks for your continuous support!
Have a lovely day,
Ruven Bals